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Video: BAScontrol20 Series - Saving and Restoring Sedona Programs

BAScontrol20March 2014 - This video in part of the BAScontrol20 and Sedona Video Series. BAScontrol20 Series - Saving and Restoring Sedona Programs shows how to use Niagara or Sedona Workbench to save and restore a simple Sedona program running on a BAScontrol20. Beyond saving and restoring a program, the example also details many helpful actions that are relevant to various Sedona tasks. These include opening a device, opening Sedona, selecting and moving components, accessing and opening Sedona Palette, dragging components from Sedona kits to a wiresheet, connecting and enabling components, accessing Sedona Tools and the Application Manager - where executing a Get and a Put accomplishes the respective save and restore.

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